Guided Walks of Overstrand 2021
An Accessible Guided Walk exploring the history of Overstrand led by Tim Bennett
Explore the ‘Village of Millionaires’, the coming of the Railway, the Churchill & Battersea connections, the impact of the Great War and more
Guided Walks – £6 (U-16 free) Help to raise money for the East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA)
Booking is essential as places are limited to 12 per walk, so please phone or text Keith – 07763 339052 Tim 07875 098187
Walks last 2 hours Walks start and finish at The Belfry Centre (next door to the school)
Walks every Wednesday from 28th July at 1.30pm (please meet at 1.15pm at The Belfry Centre)