A diverse walk. The spectacular views from the inland section make the road walking more than worth the effort. The boardwalk is an adventure itself !
START TF734434 Start at the Orange Tree in Thornham and follow the black and white National Trail acorns going eastward from here. Follow the A149 through the village until you come to the sign for the tiny hamlet of Choseley, complete with acorn. Take this turning onto a 1 mile stretch of country road, beware of traffic.
2. Follow the waymarking on the left turn from the road into a small copse. From here follow the pleasant track uphill. Following the first of two minor road crossings, there is a short stretch of well used farm track which can be extremely rutted and muddy following wet weather. Following the second road crossing the path starts to take a descent into Brancaster, offering breathtaking views and making this inland stretch really worthwhile. This section offers peace from the busy coastal areas during the summer months, together with the opportunity of some scarce farmland birds, often visible from Choseley Drying barns which is a well
known site with birdwatchers.
3. Once in Brancaster, Choseley road joins Mill road and the busy A149 at the cross roads with St. Mary’s church. Follow the
waymarkers past the church and onto Broad Lane. Follow the lane to the bottom and take the waymarked boardwalk path
amongst the reeds eastward.
4. Just off the path lies the Roman Fort of Branodunum as it leads the way to Brancaster Staithe harbour. Brandounum was built in 230AD in order to defend the approach to the Wash. It was originally on the seashore which has since receded here. The site was built on in the 1970’s. At Brancaster Staithe harbour look out for the waymarker where the path leads through the fishermens huts.
5. Leave the path via The Drove at Burnham Deepdale which brings you out onto the A149. Crossing the road will take you to the
Deepdale Farm complex, which is an exemplar of farm diversification in the region. There is now a very successful complex of shops, tourist information centre , backpackers hostel and campsite, not forgetting Deepdale Café which has a fine selection of homemade cakes. The Coasthopper picks up from just outside the car park here.